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Traveling Tastebuds

Ever since a young age, I have been fascinated with varying cultures around the world and have longed to explore every one that I can in the short amount of time I have in this life. One of my main interests in the most recent years has been the exploration of different types of food from around the world. One of my favorite things to do is visit ethnic food stores and ask vendors what it is I should eat to experience the true taste of that culture. I often find myself meandering through YouTube late at night watching videos of food stalls on the side of the street in foreign countries, salivating over all the delicious and new food I could be trying if I weren’t glued to my bed.

I have an unhealthy obsession with extremely spicy foods, and naturally because I do, always find myself craving Thai and Indian foods. I grew up in a family in which we often ate out at unique restaurants, my parents always attempting to expand my taste buds and become familiar with the unfamiliar. My fridge now is always stocked with condiments and various goods that most often would not be found in a westerner’s supply. Drawers full of chilis, jars of kimchi, the occasional vat of homemade naga jolokia sauce-almost all consumed on a regular basis being mixed in with rice and noodle dishes I make near daily. My dream is to one day be able to travel the world without hesitation to try new things and be unrestricted in my consumption of dietary delights. Until then, I will continue in my attempts to recreate the flavors of places I have yet to visit, loosely based off the lovely videos I become entranced in the late hours of the night.

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